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Head Coaches





Game Records

Season Records
Power Rankings






Game Settings:

Difficulty - All Pro
Game Length - 8 Minute Quarters
Game Mode - Classic

Slider Settings:
Slider settings are default with the exception of the Punt and FG accuracy settings

FG Accuracy - 99
Punt Accuracy - 99

CPU QB Accuracy - 0

CPU RB Ability - 0

This is until Ea releases a patch. Its nearly impossible to kick in this game.

Reporting Your Games:
All games must be reported in the Recap Section of the forum by the HOST.

Resuming a Disconnected Game:
If your game is disconnect during a league game these will be the procedures that you will need to follow.

You can do 1 of 2 things when a game needs to be resumed after a disconnect.
1. You and your opponent can agree to start a new game.
2. You and your opponent can figure out how much time was left in the game when it disconnected, then start a new game, play out the 'remaining' time left, of course starting the game where you left off field position wise. Then send both gamestat.logs to me, i will then combine the two gamestats to make one game.

Those are our two options right now. Hopefully Ea releases a patch to correct this soon.

Trades will be made on my simulated roster.

All trades must be approved by Commish. I will not allow any teams to be ripped off and destroyed

Each trade must be posted on the forum pending a 24 hour approval.

League Advance:
As of right now the league will advance every 5 days at 11:59pm EST, or all games played.