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Has a Rule Been Broken on You?

Do you know what to do if a rule has been broken on you in a JFL league game? Here are some answers for you..
If you are in game and you think a rule has been broken and you want it dealt with, follow these steps to quickly get the issue solved and get your game back under way.

1. Hit Ctrl S anytime during the game when you think a rule has been broken, this is the 1st thing that you should do as it will save the instant replay to your Madden2003 folder.

2. Pause the game and let your opponent know that you think he has broken a rule and you want to check on it.. DO this without being mean to your opponent. This does not need to be an argument.

3. Get a hold of your Commish, or Co-Commish. Explain the situation and offer to give them the instant replay to view.

4. Get your judgment and then resume game with your opponent.

Play your games. The schedule is posted here . We will advance the league once every 5-7 days, depending on the pace of the games. I expect each game to be played without me having to hunt guys down to play their games If you do not play your games, you will be replaced. Its that simple.
I will let you miss games to do things you need to do in your lives but if your just not playing due to being lazy I will replace you.

Once an owner has missed more than 2 games in a season without an acceptable excuse, he/she will be removed.
Play a realistic 'simulations' style of football game.
As an owner, I expect you to be sportsmanlike in game and show respect to other owners. We all know the game of football (if not, you don't belong here).
When losing, take your losses and learn from them, and when winning, I expect you to show your opponent respect and not rub the scores in their face.
If you are not playing realistic style of football and just playing immature, you will be removed. If you cant take losses and want to act like a child, you will be removed, and if you want to run scores up on people, you will be removed.

You will receive one warning on any of these issues, if it continues I will find a new owner.
Control Your Teams..
You MUST control your team, both offense and defense. You are NOT permitted to let the CPU play for you. That includes letting the CPU run the ball for you, or letting the CPU pass for you. This is not permitted in this 'Play' style league. If you cannot control your HB/QB or defensive player, then i suggest you find a good coach league.
If you are found to be letting the CPU run/pass or play defense for you, you will be warned.

After a warning, if that style of play continues, you will be removed for abusing this rule.
No Huddle Offense
There is currently are no restrictions on the no huddle offense as it is a very big part of the NFL.
Rules will be added if abuse of the No Huddle Offense is found to be re-occurring.
Onside Kicks and Punt Fakes
You can only use onside kick in the 4th qrt, and Punt Fakes can be used anytime when behind.

If found breaking these rules you get

1st warning slap on the wrist.

2nd warning 1 game suspension

3rd removed from the league

If people are abusing this rule I will add more stipulations to this.

Offensive 4th Down Rules

Lets be realistic on this issue..

:note.. when going for it on 4th down.. You must wait at least 10 seconds to call your play.. I also suggest the person on Defense wait to see if u pick a special teams formation or if u are choosing a offensive formation.. The point of this is to keep people from being surprised.. I used to make u guys pause the game and tell your opponent when going.. I don't feel this is necessary now due to the fact that u can see what formation your opponent chooses..


A. You may go for it on all 4th. and 1 or short situations, no matter if you are winning or losing. AS LONG AS your past your 40 yard line.

B. If you are losing.. below are the guidelines you must follow when going for any 4th down.

Any Point in the game
If it's 4th and 3 and you are past your opponents 35 yards line. You can go for it. ANYTHING else you punt or kick FG.
If you are down any point in the game by 28 you can go for any 4th and 10 and below as long as past your own 40yards line. Otherwise punt.

4th qrt down 21 or more. You can go for it, if your down 14 you must be past your 40 yards line or less than 4min left


C. If you are winning,  U may only go for it on 4th and 1 or short situations..

U will immediately give your opponent the ball at the spot of your foul if u are found to be breaking one of these 4th down rules above..

If u have finished the game, u will replay it..

Play Calling

I don't want to hear guys running same plays over and over. That goes for Defense as well as offense. And don't be running same routes either. Just because you go to 4 WR from I form and and the same slant over and over. That's not acceptable, and no fun for your opponent. Watching the Same shit over and over. So mix up your plays. Same goes for D, don't want to see you blitz every damn down. There are blocking AI flaws which is suppose to be addressed whether it will or not. If you know how to blitz you can get to QB almost every time. So mix it up on offense and defense

1st Complaint. Warning

2nd Complaint - Boot, I have no tolerance for this

Movement of defensive players.....
You are only permitted to 'move' one defensive player BEFORE the snap of the ball.

No defensive 'LINEMEN' are allowed to be manually moved before the snap.

There are NO restrictions on line shifting other than the fact that shifting back and forth real fast over and over before the snap to screw the CPU up will not be allowed
U will give your opponent a 1st down at the spot of the foul.. 3rd offense.. BOOT
Bump and Run defense..
There are currently NO restrictions on the Bump and Run defense. the A1 seems really balanced this year.

Rules will be added if abuse of the Bump and Run is found to be re-occurring.


The only restrictions I have on this are.


WR can not play TE

Defense can only play defense and same for offense

ONLY Defensive linemen can play DL


ANY other substitution will be allowed since madden takes a players overall way down moving them out of position.


Also DO NOT want to see people calling aud. so they can get a player where they want. (ex. No going from 4WR to BIG formation.) Now I know sometimes you have to. You see an all out blitz coming, but don't want to see this very often


If you see someone subbing out of position. Hit Ctrl-S and it will save the previous play.

Also I don't want to see you accusing someone for a player being out of position due to an injury. Like most players only have 1 SS or FS, then CB is slotted to player there.

So accuse with caution.

QB movement
A. You will not be allowed to repeatedly drop your QB back 10-15 yds. before attempting to pass. 10 yards should be the limit of drop backs. Anything else should you should rollout away from the blitz. If coming from outside. Stay in the pocket. Simple knowledge.  This is considered cheese, and will not be tolerated.

There are currently no restrictions on rushing with the QB. QB spy stops the QB run, plus many others.


If your opponent is repeatedly dropping back. Save the replay, Ctrl-S, and tell your opponent you think he is dropping back to far. AND FOR THE OPPONENT, do no get mad. Just watch how far you are dropping back.

If your opponent does it again, save the replay. You don't have to pause to save the replay. Just hit ctrl-s. Does it a 3rd time, your opponent is to give the ball at the spot of the foul.

If he refuses, you get with your Commish or Co-Commish to settle this dispute.

Field Goal, Extra Point, and Punt Defense

A:  FG's and EP's..  You must use a FG block or EP block formation in these situations
.. Anything other IS not acceptable. You are not permitted to move any of the Special Teams players before the snap of the ball..  Line shifting is fine.

B: PUNTS..   If the offensive team comes out in the Special teams unit on 4th down, the defense must also..  If u cannot stop a punt fake then i suggest u practice, there is no punt fake that is unstoppable so please learn how to use your punt safe and punt man defenses

First offense you punt the ball back if a punting situation. On FG/XP if blocked then you MUST give them the XP or FG at some point of the game.

2nd offense you will immediately punt after receiving the ball.

3rd opponent will automatically get the win

Running up the score

Ok this a tricky one. My opinion on this is as follows

  1. Feel free to score, winning by 20,30,40 whatever. BUT you better be running up big. I don't want to see any long bombs or hurry up or not letting the play clock get as low as possible. To me running up the score is purposely trying to score. If I'm up 40-0 and Marshall breaks one on you, and runs 90 yards for a TD. Yippee!! Or 3rd and long, I want that first down. I may not throw a bomb, but will run a 15 yard or whatever I need pattern to get that first down. If I break lose. So be it, any team in the NFL would do the same. They aren't trying to score, but they aren't trying to give you the ball back either.

  2. On say 3rd and short you should be running though. The defense may focus on the run, but you must find ways to run. Or punt it away. Simple, I shouldn't have any problems with this

1st offense. Slap on the wrist. UNLESS extreme. Then may make you replay or play me, and I may not even let you win.

2nd offense opponent gets automatic win

3rd see ya. Don't need assholes in the game who show no respect


Now there are some situations where you can't help but run up score. Opponent repeatedly goes for it on 4th down. You get 5-6 INT. There are reasons sometimes this happens. So I will look at the game log carefully and decide

Goal Line Offense / Defense
There are currently no restrictions on the Goal Line O or D
Rules will be added if abuse of the Goal Line Plays are being found to be re-occurring.
Audible Rules.....

Offensive:  Offensively when calling audible you MUST wait until your offense is set before u may call an audible (unless in no huddle)..  This is so that the defensive team can see who is on the field before you call an audible (wont able to no huddle because they are the same players that were on the field on the preceding play)..

Defensive: Defensively, you may audible to adjust to anything you see, BUT I don't want guys intentionally coming out in a dime defense and audible to a 4-3 and coming with the blitz.  Sure you say he's venerable to the run then, but maybe not.. You need to realize that when this is happening its no worse than if u were to come out in a single back 4wr set and audible to BIG strong set and throwing to your WR's lined up at the TE spot. The same issues apply here..  When u come out in Dime and audible to a 4-3 your CB's are now LB's.. This puts a strong disadvantage over the offensive team as the CB's seem to get right to the QB on a blitz.. I'm sorry but CB's don't  play LB and it wont be allowed in my league..

1. Do not audible before you see the offense/defense (although you can line shift or call bump)

2. No going in and out of special teams unless its a 4th down. You also cant audible from 4-3, 3-4, Nickel, or Dime to a Special Teams then back or etc unless its 4th down.

3. You may not call or audible into an onside kick formation on offense or defense unless you are..

A. Losing and need to kick an onside kick.

B. Your opponent is kicking onside

Offensive Foul: Loss of possession at spot of the ball and must punt..   2nd offense 2 game suspension..   3rd offense  BOOT

Defensive Foul: Must give your opponent the 1st down at spot of the foul..  2nd offense  1 game suspension.   3rd offense  BOOT..

Hot Routes...
There is no restriction on using the Hot Route option
Rules will be added if abuse of the Hot Route are being found to be re-occurring
1st offense..  Verbal warning if not severe..  2nd offense:  BOOT


All Madden feature

The all madden feature is banned from league play. It hides the formations you are calling, and the defense can not get set correctly. In NFL they always know the personal and show should your opponent. You come out in 5WR he should be able to use dime or whatever. Or big ect. SO NEVER USE IT. You MUST call your own plays. Sometimes I know we go get a drink, someone at the door something. But you should be gone long.

1st offense - Opponent stop and inform him it is against the rules to use it.

2nd offense - Loss of down. Opponent will call QB kneel down. If its 4th down then opponent will take a loss of down next possession.

3rd offense - Loss of possession, you will immediately punt the ball. No matter where on the field you are

4th offense - Pure stupidity know and ignorance. So forfeit of the game.

If it continues with other opponents I will remove you from the league. 

Lob Passes

Ok here is a fine line rule. I don't want to see to many lobs. I am seeing a lot of gamelogs with 30+ REC with no YAC. A lot of them, which tells me lobs. I should see no more than 4, and that doesn't mean 4 to each player. It's an AI flaw and we all know it. So I will be watching.

1st offense - Warning

2nd offense - If you won, I give the opponent option to replay. If you refuse he gets the win.

3rd offense - Automatic win for opponent or booted from league

4th offense - Stupidity offense, tired of telling you. Gone for good